Benn Clatworthy & John Donaldson


Thursday 6th October 2016

Benn Clatworthy and John Donaldson are two of the most exciting musicians on either side of the Atlantic. Benn has been resident in Los Angeles since 1980; his career as a tenor saxophonist really took off when he was recommended to Horace Silver in the late 80s and from that point, he went on to work with the likes of Cedar Walton, Bobby Shew, Otmaro Ruiz and many great artists. An extraordinary saxophonist, over here on a short tour, and not to be missed. 

With Benn is the superb John Donaldson, also a Brit who worked on the West Coast for many years and played piano with the likes of Eddie Henderson and John Handy. On returning to the UK in the 90s, John instantly became the pianist of choice for the likes of Art Themen, Iain Ballamy and Don Weller, and has accompanied the very finest leading American players such as Freddie Hubbard and Art Farmer on their forays to the UK. An exceptional, mesmerising player.


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