Phil Peskett

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Thursday 25th July 2019

Phil Peskett is a thrilling pianist. After studying with Simon Purcell at the Guildhall, Phil became an almost instant fixture on the London jazz/funk circuit, playing  with the hippest of hip including Moloko, Natalie Williams, The Cinematic Orchestra and Pete Oxley’s Curious Paradise. Phil also leads his own bands - a trio and a quintet, for which he writes some stunning compositions. As a master of harmony, Phil has had a major teaching role at London's Trinity College for many years.

Those of you that have heard Phil will remember that he is an outstanding soloist, with a knack for harmonic and groove development like no other.

Get yourselves out to the Spin for a joyous last gig of the season.


Alex Munk's Flying Machines


Adam Glasser's SA and Beyond