Cleveland Watkiss & Pat Thomas

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Thursday 26th September 2013

A pleasure to have Cleveland Watkiss play the Spin for the first time and welcome Pat Thomas back to the club, joining Mark Doffman and Raf Mizraki as part of the rhythm section.

Cleveland is considered to be one of the finest male vocalist in the world of jazz, and the breadth and depth of his work is testimony to that claim. It was with the Jazz Warriors, perhaps the most influential British group in the 80s and 90s that Cleveland came to prominence. He has won a clutch of awards including the Evening Standard's Best Male Jazz Singer, has opened shows for two of the greatest singers in the history of the music - Cassandra Wilson and Abby Lincoln, and has worked with everyone from Julian Joseph to Nigel Kennedy via Pete Townsend, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and Stevie Wonder (and check out the You Tube clip with the Dusseldorf Symphony).

Pat Thomas needs little introduction to Spin audiences. Pat's work with the likes of Tony Oxley, Steve Williamson and others confirms his position as one of the most innovative and engaging pianists around. Two supreme performers with the Spin rhythm section - do not miss!!!


François Bourassa Quartet


Tim Whitehead With The Spin Trio