Tim Whitehead with The Spin Trio


Thursday 31st January 2019

‘Those of us who have caught him live ... have been left in blinking disbelief.  It's not just his mastery of the tenor saxophone, phenominal though it is, but the absolute conviction of his playing that is so impressive.' Dave Gelly, The Observer

Tim Whitehead has been at the forefront of British jazz for over 30 years. His career took off when he joined Ian Carr's Nucleus, before joining Loose Tubes in the 1980s, all through this period recording and touring with his own bands. 

In 2009, he was the first musician to be made Artist in Residence at Tate Britain, and from this he recorded his album of pieces inspried by Turner's work in the Tate. He has been the recipient of numerous compositional awards. 

One of the most compelling improvisers in jazz - do not miss. 



Roger Beaujolais with The Spin Trio


John Law's 'Recreations'